With its nearly 100 photographs and succinctly presented facts on the first twelve workcamps in 2012, the newly released brochure “Impressions and Perspectives„ showcases ewoca³, the innovative concept for international youth work. “With our funding programme ewoca³ we want to show Europe being more than financial politics and economic calculation„, Elke Wegener, General Manager of the International Association for Education and Exchange (IBB Dortmund), says on presenting the new brochure. “Europe is an idea standing for freedom and community, and it is this community that young people should experience first hand.„

In Belarus and Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Gütersloh, Hagen, Cologne, Oberhausen, Groß-Thurow, Walberberg, Westerkappeln and the Ukraine young people from three countries met during the summer of 2012. How youths from Bünde got to know the dish “Potatoes with pasta„, why the pork goulash in Hagen was not universally met with joy, and why the jackhammer skills of one participant were extremely useful in the Ukraine is documented in the brochure in both German and English on 40 pages for each language.

The print version can be ordered from IBB Dortmund free of charge. The address is Bornstraße 66, D-44145 Dortmund, the telephone number 0049 231 952096-0.



IBB Dortmund publishes the new brochure “Impressions and Perspectives„: A mosaic of facts and experiences