Beautification was the primary aim for the youths at the workcamp in Oberhausen: Now Parkhaus Oberhausen, a children and youth club, sports new benches and a newly created pond on the grounds. The workcamp also created new flower and garden beds. Youths of Noored Toredate Mötega from Estonia and Outward Bound from Romania were the guests of the Oberhausen youths. All together they worked on the grounds of Parkhaus and on garden beds in the borough of Alt-Oberhausen. The highlight of their work together is a mural depicting the cooperation of their three countries. Even though the work certainly was fun itself, excursions to the climbing walls of Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, the CentrO shopping centre and a short sailing trip also made for great experiences for all. The participants are now back home, happy and with lots of new experiences, looking forward to next summer, when another work camp will take place in Romania.
Creativity in Oberhausen