The workcamp in Bosnia has successfully drawn to a close and brought good-humoured youths back home. The participants from Germany, Bosnia and Turkey worked two weeks on making new things from old ones, or making discarded things usable again. Initiated by the City of Bochum, Civril Ilce from Turkey and the Initiative for Direct Democracy from Bosnia, the 18- to 26-year-olds collected old bikes and repaired them. At an auction the general public could then purchase them in a faultless condition. The youths also built containers, painted them in bright colors and collected rubbish, in order to sensitise the population for measure to protect the environment. The participants also engaged with the history of the country and visited the city of Sarajevo. The camp was rounded off by cooking dishes characteristic for the three countries and a number of small games and activities. Now all youths look forward to the sequel 2013 in Bochum.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bikes, rubbish containers and lots of youths