These are the ewoca³(+) workcamps 2016:


Camp in Samothrace/Greece, 23.07.-04.08.2016
Active together in Europe
Intercultural Network e.V. (Neuruppin/Brandenburg), Décodanse (Sèegrave;egrave;te/France), ZATHAY (Samothraki/Greece)

The workcamp will take place on Samothrace, an Island in the north-eastern Aegean Sea with a little less than 3000 inhabitants. There, the participants will build a wooden stage, which will continue to be available for the inhabitants of the town for festivals and other events. The youths will further develop a circus-, theatre- and dance-performance, where they will explore their own role in Europe. A special role will be given to the lived realities of young people in rural regions: What is it like to grow up far away from big cities and without the possibilities of easy mobility? The workcamp will deal with these questions using methods of intercultural encounter pedagogy and language animation.


Camp in Dunaewa/Belarus, 02.08.-15.08.2016
Europe is in da’ House: Encountering, exploring, acting together
EJB Weimar (Weimar/Thuringia), Education without borders (Dunaewa/Belarus), Hellenic Youth Participation (Athens/Greece)

The workcamp in Belarus will focus on the ecological dimension of sustainability. The youths will continue a building project in the vicinity of a traditional sauna, which was built three years ago during a previous ewoca³ workcamp. In workshops they will further search for answers to these guiding questions: How could a world look like that was made for the future? How can a society of tomorrow live together in diversity and without problems of distribution? They will theoretically and practically deal with their ecological footprint, their consumer behaviour, with concepts of recycling and biodiversity. Among other projects, they will build a temporary bike workshop and provide the repaired bikes to the town’s inhabitants. The workcamp results will be presented to the local community at Dunaewa and on the internet.


Camp in Süsel/Germany, 13.08.-28.08.2016
Of Vikings and other minorities — Experiencing democracy in Europe
Alte Schule e.V. (Buchholz/Schleswig-Holstein), German-Ukrainian Society for Youth Work e.V. (Lviv/Ukraine), Youth Mobility Denmark (Roedekro/Denmark)

Over the course of three years, the youths will collaborate in building a real viking boat. After these three years, the ten-meter-long boat will be available for international youth work in Ukraine. Following on from the first project in Denmark in 2015, this summer the participants will continue their work in Schleswig-Holstein. Closely linked with their practical work, they will deal with European history and discuss the role of migratory movements and minorities. In their active efforts the youths will take a stance for an open Europe, where young people from different countries organise themselves and build the foundation for further international youth projects. In 2017, in Ukraine, the youths will meet again to finish the Viking boat and take their first common trip on the boat they built themselves.