These are the ewoca³ (+) workcamps:
Camp in Neuruppin/Brandenburg, 16th July to 29th July 2015
In Europe active together
Intercultural Network (“Interkulturelles Netzwerk e.V.„) (Neuruppin/Brandenburg), Décodanse (Sète/France), ZATHAY (Samothraki/Greece)
The participants create an “intercultural path„, a circular footpath near the Brandenburgian town of Brunne. For this, they engage with the topics “Nature/Ecology„, “War/Escape„ and “Europe„. Their work regarding the content of these topics is then transferred to creative, craftsmanship and art projects. The results then become part of the intercultural path. The path should inspire visitors to further think about the topics represented and support intercultural learning.
Continuation in the years 2016 and 2017: In 2016, the project partners from Germany and France are visitors on Samothraki in Greece. Here, youths will engage with the specifics of the natural environment at the location and with environmental protection. They build an oven from clay, free for everyone to use, learn about traditional rural occupations and talk about the living conditions on the island. Finally, and following their experiences from the summer of 2015, they will build an intercultural creative path as well, in order to highlight regional problems (environmental protection, problems with unemployment, chances for the future, etc.). In 2017 the group then meets in Sète in France at a place for family encounters, surrounded by a park, where a third creative path, including the works of the youths on a topic jointly decided beforehand, shall be created.
Camp in Knivsberg/Denmark, 2nd August to 16th August 2015
On Vikings and other minorities — Experience democracy in Europe
Alte Schule e.V. (Buchholz/Schleswig-Holstein), German Youth in Ukraine (“Deutsche Jugend in der Ukraine e.V.„) (Kiew/Ukraine), Educational Centre Knivsberg (Roedekro/Denmark)
Over the course of three years, the youths will build a real viking boat together. As a final product of three years, the ten meter long boat will be available for international youth work in Ukraine. In Denmark, the participants will, in parallel to their work engage with the history of Europe and discuss the role of minorities — in history and today. The diversity in the German-Danish border region is a starting point of their discussions. For an introduction into the topic they will deal with the history of the Vikings.
Continuation in the years 2016 and 2017: The camp 2016 will take place in Schleswig-Holstein, here the participants will continue their work on the ship and additionally work at the educational centre “Am Goldensee„ in the town of Groß Thurow. In 2017, the youths meet again in Ukraine to finish the viking boat and take their first trip in their self-built boat together.
Camp in Weimar / Thuringia, 17th of August to 30th of August 2015
EJB Weimar (Weimar/Thuringia), Education without Borders (Dunaewa/Belarus), Hellenic Youth Participation (Athens/Greece)
How could a future world that is self-created look like? How can a society of tomorrow live with diversity and without problems of distribution? Young people are often hindered by pre-existing social structures, authorities and so-called inherent necessities to develop their own visions for a happy future for all of society. This two-week camp is an opportunity for exchange on the topics of diversity, values and future. Experiencing on one’s own, reflecting experiences, and implementing these experiences in creative-artistic action by working in wood, metal and stone takes center stage, as does the additional (video) documentation. The results will then be made visible both online and at different free spaces within the city of Weimar.
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