On Saturday, 12th of October 2013, the follow-up meeting of the youths from North-Rhine Westphalia took place at the Friedenshaus, the youth club of Falken Hagen. About 30 young people from 7 different camps took part in the event. The participants utilised posters, photos, videos and great stories to present their camp experiences this summer. There was a lot of laughter and many wished to be back in their summer memories.

Following the reports from the camps, the youths discussed the so-called ‘national evenings’, which take place at every camp and should represent the respective nations/countries of the youths. Their goal was to explore whether diversity, doner kebab and different languages are perhaps more representative of the youth’s lives than Oktoberfest and potato salad. There were lively discussion and reports on their experiences and ideas on how to execute these evenings.

Follow-up meeting of the ewocis in Hagen